There are two stocks for Japanese jack mackerel, the Pacific stock and the Tsushima warm current stock. The Tsushima warm current stock is in good condition.
Impacts of this fishery on the endangered, threatened, protected (ETP) species cannot be assessed with insufficient information. Purse seine is a selective fishing gear and all small pelagic are main target species for purse seiners. Discards rate is expected to be low in Japanese wild-catch fisheries. Huge quantities of juveniles in retained catch. Purse seine have no impacts on the benthic habitats. Significant ecosystem changes caused by this fishery are unlikely.
This fishery is managed by Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the Fisheries Agency. Although this fishery have comprehensive habitat, ecosystem and productivity maintenance plan, improvements in transparency and stakeholder participation are needed. Overall management is partly effective.