Sablefish/Black Cod

Scientific name
Anoplopoma fimbria
Production method
Pots (traps), Trap Longlines
IUCN status
Not evaluated
Stock status

With its biomass declining for four decades, the black cod population is estimated to be in the magnitude of <17% of the unfished. The stock shows clear signs of overfishing. The harvest rate corresponding to the last management does not allow for stock recovery as defined in the relevant conservation objectives.

Ecological effects

Impact on endangered, threatened, protected (ETP) species is considered low due to the selectivity and the size of the gear. Traps are considered rather selective, so bycatch is considered negligible. Juvenile black cod below 55cm must be discarded but show a high survival rate. Negative ecosystem changes caused by the fishery are unlikely. Habitat effects are unlikely.


General management also falls under the Integrated Fisheries Management Plan. Measures implemented cover such issues as requiring harvesters to complete a fishing logbook to combat illegal unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.  A project assessing habitat interaction uses video cameras attached to traps. Overall, management is partly effective.

Suggested alternatives


Second Choice
New Zealand
Production method
Midwater otter trawls